Friday, 25 May 2012

Dear Friday

Dear Tea, thank you for being there for me while I'm sick. You make me feel so much better. 

Dear Skin, I'm sorry I let the sun burn you to a crisp. I know I resemble a lobster right now, and I promise you I will try not to let that happen again. 

Dear Jessy, have a super duper 18th birthday today! And I'm so sorry I'm not in the country to give you a birthday hug. 

Dear Facebook, I never did appreciate you til this Summer. Thank you for keeping me in touch with everyone at home. 

Dear Laundry, I know I have neglected you in the last few days. Catch up at the weekend? Promise. 
Love always, 


  1. hehe this is so funny, i loves it.

  2. haha this is so fun i love it! i keep seeing these kind of dear __________, posts lately, i really like them!

  3. Thanks girls! Great to see some new faces around here, thank you for your comments. :)


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