Saturday 14 July 2012

Dear Friday

(My blog is set to Irish time, but it's still Friday here in Canada!)

Dear Zach, painting with you is so much fun, kiddo. We can't tell what the future has in store for you, but I can guarantee you will do something with your wonderful creativity. :)

Dear Mr Caterpillar, little Liam and I had a lot of fun playing with you in the back garden. Liam has been asking for you quite a lot ever since.

Dear Pretty Purple Phone, thanks to you and your wonderful photo-taking abilities, I have become one of those people who takes photos of absolutely everything, including their lunch.

Dear Kina Grannis, I cannot believe you replied to my email!!! Proof that you are one of the sweetest musicians in existence. :)

Dear Ants, Zach was not very impressed at you guys eating his Goldfish crackers. He doesn't like to share food, even if it falls on the ground.

Love always,

PS~ I would love it if you would check out my newest YouTube video :) And I would love it even more if you could subscribe to me! Thanks :)

PPS~ I just realised I'm wearing the same blazer in the photo with Kina Grannis as I am in the video. Just a random bit of info there for ya. 


  1. Nice Dear Friday post! And awesome cover video, you're a really good singer! I love the ending! :)

  2. That's awesome that you're here in Canada. I just checked out Kina's music and it's super sweet. Love your cover.

  3. Thank you both :) Oh and Michaela I am so glad you listened to Kina Grannis! She deserves to be so much wider-known than she is, she's an incredible musician. :)


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