Friday, 10 August 2012

Orla: Uncovered


In answer to your questions... :)

-How long have you been blogging for? 
I started a blog maybe 2 years ago called 'A Cosy Escape', and I had no idea what I was doing. I have a terrible habit of wanting to do things but feeling too inadequate when it comes to pulling them off. So I posted twice, then deleted it. But my love of blogging didn't die, and so last November I took the plunge again and started 'Escape to Vanilla'. I've been working really hard at building it up, and have loved every second of it.

-Do you have a particular Motto?
I have so many mottos, quotes and philosophies that I try to live by... But the one little phrase that pops into my head and inspires me time and time again is "Tell me I can't and I'll show you I can". I can be pretty stubborn, and I hate to be told that I'm not able to do something, or that I'm not allowed to. It's helped me to achieve a lot so far.

-Are you in Canada or Ireland? I'm confused!
Ooops, sorry about that! I'm Irish and I live in Ireland. But this summer I decided to go on an adventure, and I took a job as a live-in nanny for a family in Toronto, so I have been here since May.

-If you could marry any Disney prince/hero, who would it be? 
I just about died when I saw this question, I LOVE it! But it was pretty tough to think of an answer... But I am going to choose... Aladdin. :) He's not rich, he's not a prince, he's not very well dressed and he needs a haircut. He wins Jasmine's heart with his sweet and daring personality.

-Your biggest insecurity?
I'm not sure if I could put my finger on my biggest insecurity, but I think one thing that I am quite self conscious about is my body shape. I wouldn't consider myself to be overweight, but you know how it is being a teen girl when you're made to feel as though you should be a stick insect like everyone else. But I would choose chocolate over wearing a bikini any day!

-Favourite smell?
Hmm... Probably vanilla scented anything or babies. :) 

-Who is your biggest inspiration? 
A famous person? Definitely Kina Grannis, she has the sweetest voice and the kindest heart. And she's goofy too! But she's not my biggest inspiration. If I'm honest, the person in my life who inspires me most is my best friend, Kate. She'll probably read this too, and say I'm being silly- but I said I'd be honest! Ever since I met her (I was 11 years old), I have aspired to be more like her. She is generous, selfless, compassionate, quirky, goofy, incredibly smart, creative, motivated and good in every way. She is the best friend anyone could asked for, and she is my biggest role model. :)

-What country are you dying to visit?
If you'd asked me 4 months ago, I would have said Canada. Now I've spent a summer here, and it is just as amazing as I thought it would be. Next on my list are Italy and Japan!

-How old are you?/ What's your birthday?
I'm 18, born February 16th 1994 :)

-Do you have a boyfriend?
Nope, and I am absolutely loving it. Don't get me wrong, I love almost everything about being in a relationship! But right now I am happy to be on my own. I have so much time for my friends and for myself, and I doubt I would be in Canada right now if I had a boyfriend in Ireland.

-Favourite songs right now?
World Spins Madly On by The Weepies
Paperweight by Joshua Radin
Paradise covered by Audrey Couch

-What are you reading right now?
I am re-reading 'Emma' which is my favourite Jane Austen. But I only have 32 pages left, so next on my list is 'Fugitive Pieces' by Anne Michaels, which I'm really excited about.

Okay, well that's all! I hope I haven't bored you to tears. Though if you have any more questions or you'd just like to say hello, then please do leave me a word or two in the comments.

Sending love,
Orla X


  1. Thanks for answering my questions! I hope you can answer these:

    1) Do you like McFly? (I'm just asking this because I like them... I might be crazy. :/)

    2) What's your hobby?

    3) If you could marry someone, who would it be?

    Thanks! :)

    1. Hi again :) Sure, no problem! I had fun answering them.

      1. I actually LOVE McFly, they remind me of being 8 years old. I especially love 'It's All About You' :)

      2. Music is my biggest hobby, I can't go a day without it. I also love reading, writing and a lot of other random ones.

      3. Hmm... That's a really hard question. I don't know if I have any celebrity crushes, or real life ones for that matter. Maybe Cooper from Private Practice, or Pete? Or even Sam, I love the guys on that show!

      Thanks again for your comments :) X

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. (I deleted my comment because I got it wrong.)

      Who's your favourite from the band? Mine's Dougie *_*


Comments make me feel all warm and fuzzy :)